Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Menara Kayangan, Lahad Datu

Upon hearing the word tower I instantly knew it would challenge my fear of height. 

From the entrance we drove higher and higher up to the mountain and I started to feel uneasy. And when I saw the tower, I thought to myself 'I'm dead'. Having a massive fear of height is no joke. Sweaty palm and jelly legs. No fun at all. But it's something I try to overcome slowly.

The trip to Menara Kayangan/Tower of Heaven was one that we didn't include in our itinerary. We wanted to go to Tingkayu because we read that we can find some artifacts there. Turned out, the internet was not being helpful (Read HERE why). We drove all the way to Lahad Datu in search for Tingkayu but ended up climbing a tower in Mount Silam. The view up there is spectacular and that's enough to make up for our disappointment.

Minutes before we leave thick fog appeared. It was surreal.

There are other activities you can do while visiting this place. You can go hiking or camping. There's also a mysterious remnants from the WWII which I think pretty interesting. Too bad we didn't get to see the site. I really like this place you know (minus the part where I climbed the higher spot and made a scene because I didn't know how to come down). The surrounding is chilly and refreshing. Would be a great place to hang out and release tension. It's a place worth visiting.

Entrance fee:

Malaysian  (Adult) - RM5
Malaysian (Under 17) - RM3

Non-Malaysian - (RM15-adult RM7-kids)

*Open daily from 8am till 5pm

Hope y'all have a good day.
Till then.

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